Zur Vita Prof. Arne JensenZur Künstlerin Sarena RosenfeldZur Vita Prof. Arne Jensen und zur Vita Sarena Rosenfeld
Zum Künstler Emil Rasmus JensenZur Vita Prof. Arne JensenZur Vita Emil Rasmus Jensen und zur Vita Arne Jensen


Sie sind hier: Start (Prof. Jensen) | Publikationen | Originalarbeiten

Originalarbeiten: Publikationen – Arne Jensen

87.Jensen A, Neuhäuser G (2024)
Validated predictive risk analyses for neonatal brain injury before birth
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2024
Validated predictive risk analyses for neonatal brain injury before birth PDF 472 KB

86.Jensen A, Neuhäuser G (2023)
Growth variables and obstetrical risk factors in newborns are associated with psychomotor development at preschool age
AJOG Global Reports 2023; 3(4): 100219.
Growth variables and obstetrical risk factors in newborns are associated with psychomotor development at preschool age PDF 1.322 KB

85.Jensen A, Neuhäuser G (2022)
Association of weight-length ratio at birth with psychomotor trajectories among preschool-aged children
AJOG Global Reports 2022; 2(4): 100115.
Association of weight-length ratio at birth with psychomotor trajectories among preschool-aged children PDF 1.267 KB

84.Jensen A, Neuhäuser G, Jensen KO (2019)
Growth variables and brain damage at birth predict developmental disability at four years of age: A basis for individual preschool support
Ann Pediatr. 2019; 2(1): 1017.
Growth variables predict disability PDF 1.850 KB

83.Jensen A, Holmer B (2018)
White matter damage in 4,725 term-born infants is determined by head circumference at birth: The missing link
Obstetrics and Gynecology International, vol. 2018, Article ID 2120835, 12 pages, 2018

82.Jensen A (2017)
Hochtalent bei Kleinwuchs. Der Bildhauer Emil Rasmus Jensen --
Ein fast vergessener Künstler aus Nordschleswig
Grenzfriedenshefte, 64. Jg, 71-84

81.Jensen A (2017)
Hochtalent bei Kleinwuchs - der Bildhauer Emil Rasmus Jensen --
Ein fast vergessener Künstler mit engem Bezug zu Schleswig
Beiträge zur Schleswiger Stadtgeschichte, Band 62, 71-85

80.Jensen A (Editorial)
In memoriam: Lawrence Daniel Longo (1926-2016)
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2016)
[doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2016.03.048]

79.Günther A Rezniczek, Sandra Kumbruch, Jan Scheich, Arne Jensen & Clemens B Tempfer (2016)
Factors influencing yield and neuronal differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord blood and matrix
Future Medicine

78.Jensen A and Hamelmann E (2016)
First Autologous Cord Blood Therapy for Pediatric Ischemic Stroke and Cerebral Palsy Caused by Cephalic Molding during Birth: Individual Treatment with Mononuclear Cells
Case Reports in Transplantation vol. 2016, Article ID 1717426, 9 pages, 2016

77.Jensen A and Hamelmann E (2013)
First Autologous Cell Therapy of Cerebral Palsy Caused by Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Damage in a Child after Cardiac Arrest—Individual Treatment with Cord Blood
Case Reports in Transplantation vol. 2013, Article ID 951827, 6 pages

76.Wasielewski B, Jensen A, Roth-Haerer A, Dermietzel R, Meier C (2012)
Neuroglial activation and Cx43 expression are reduced upon transplantation of human umbilical cord blood cells after perinatal hypoxic-ischemic injury
Brain Res. 2012 Jul 13. [Epub ahead of print]

75.Jensen A (2011)
Erste Therapie eines kindlichen hypoxischen Hirnschadens mit Zerebralparese nach Herzstillstand? - Heilversuch durch autologe Nabelschnurstammzell-Transplantation
Regenerative Medizin 4(1), 30-31
Erste Therapie eines kindlichen hypoxischen Hirnschadens mit Zerebralparese nach Herzstillstand? PDF 711 KB

74.Rosenkranz K, Kumbruch S, Lebermann K, Marschner K, Jensen A, Dermietzel R, Meier C (2010)
The chemokine stromal derived factor-1 (SDF-1) induces 'homing' of umbilical cord blood cells to a hypoxic-ischemic lesion in the rat brain
Journal of Neuroscience Research Volume 88 (6), 1223-1233

73.Everke, K F, Jensen A (2008)
Heinrich Bernhard Everke (1858 - 1925) – Gründervater der Niederrheinisch-Westfälischen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe in Bochum
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 68, 1-7 (Sonderdruck)

72.Neuhoff S, Moers J, Rieks M, Grunwald T, Jensen A, Dermietzel R, Meier C (2007)
Proliferation, differentiation, and cytokine secretion of human umbilical cord blood-derived mononuclear cells in vitro
Experimental Hematology 35(7), 1119-1131

71.Bach K, Preyer J, Jensen A, Epplen JT, Kunstmann E (2006)
Gynäkologische Betreuung von Patientinnen mit HNPCC-Syndrom und deren Familien
Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie 128, 207-212

70.Schneider KTM, Butterwegge M, Daumer M, Dudenhausen J, Feige A, Gonser M, Hecher K, Jensen A, Koepcke E, Künzel W, Roemer VM, Schmidt S, Vetter K (2006)
Leitlinien: Anwendung des CTG während Schwangerschaft und Geburt
Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie 210, 38-49

69.Meier C, Middelanis J, Wasielewski B, Neuhoff S, Roth-Haerer A, Gantert M, Dinse H, Dermietzel R, Jensen A (2006)
Spastic paresis after perinatal brain damage in rats is reduced by human cord blood mononuclear cells
Pediatric Research 59(2) 244-9

68.Keck A, Yüce C, Holmer B, Steinau H, Jensen A (2006)
Das Stromasarkom der Mamma - Eine Kasuistik
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 66, 778-780

67.Pilch H, Schmidt M, Steiner E, Seufert R, Jensen A, Nilges K, Maeurer M (2005)
Neue Tetramer-Technologie bietet neue Möglichkeiten für die Definition geeigneter HPV-Ziel-Epitope für neue Impftherapien bei Zervixkarzinompatientinnen
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 65(3), 297-302

66.Coumans ABC, Garnier Y, Supcun S, Jensen A, Berger R, Hasaart THM (2005)
Nitric oxide and fetal organ blood flow during normoxia and hypoxemia in endotoxin-treated fetal sheep
Obstetrics and Gynecology 105, 145-155

65.Keck A, Kühl H, Jensen A (2005)
Differenzialdiagnostik einer intrakardialen Raumforderung – Metastase oder Thrombus? Kasuistik eines Tubenkarzinoms
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 65(11), 1077-1079

64.Coumans ABC, Garnier Y, Supcun S, Jensen A, Berger R, Hasaart TH (2004)
The effects of low-dose endotoxin on the umbilicoplacental circulation in preterm sheep
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 11, 289-293

63.Berger R, Middelanis J, Vaihinger HM, Mies G, Wilken B, Jensen A (2004)
Creatine protects the immature brain from hypoxic-ischemic injury
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 11, 9-15

62.Coumans AB, Garnier Y, Supcun S, Jensen A, Hasaart TH, Berger R. (2003)
The role of nitric oxide on fetal cardiovascular control during normoxia and acute hypoxia in 0.75 gestation sheep
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 10, 275-282

61.Coumans AB, Middelanis J, Garnier Y, Vaihinger HM, Leib SL, Von Duering MU, Hasaart TH, Jensen A, Berger R (2003)
Intracisternal application of endotoxin enhances the susceptibility to subsequent hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in neonatal rats
Pediatric Research 53, 770-775

60.Garnier Y, Pfeiffer D, Jensen A, Berger R (2002)
Neuroprotective effects of magnesium on metabolic disturbances in fetal hippocampal slices after oxygen-glucose deprivation: Mediation by nitric oxide system
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 9, 86-92

59.Garnier Y, Löbbert T, Jensen A, Berger R (2002)
Lubeluzole pretreatment does not provide neuroprotection against transient global cerebral ischemia in fetal sheep near term
Pediatric Research 51, 517-522

58.Berger R, Garnier Y, Löbbert T, Pfeiffer D, Jensen A (2001)
Circulatory responses to acute asphyxia are not affectedn by the glutamate antagonist lubeluzole in fetal sheep near term
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 8, 143-148

57.Garnier Y, Coumans A, Berger R, Jensen A, Hasaart TH (2001)
Endotoxemia severely affects circulation during normoxia and asphyxia in immature fetal sheep
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 8, 134-142

56.Garnier Y, Pfeiffer D, Jensen A, Berger R (2001)
Effects of mild hypothermia on metabolic disturbances in fetal hippocampal slices after oxygen/glucose deprivation depend on depth and time delay of cooling
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 8, 198-205

55.Hiltawsky KM, Krüger M, Starke C, Heuser L, Ermert H, Jensen A (2001)
Freehand ultrasound elastography of breast lesions: clinical results
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 27, 1461-1469

54.Berger R, Garnier Y, Pfeiffer D, Jensen A (2000)
Lipopolysaccharides do not alter metabolic disturbances in hippocampal slices of fetal guinea pigs after oxygen-glucose deprivation
Pediatric Research 48, 531-535

53.Axt R, Jensen A, Schmidt W, Berger R (1998)
Intrauterine growth retardation - The role of insulin-like growth factors in the regulation of fetal growth
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 58, 529-542

52.Berger R, Pfeiffer D, Axt R, Jensen A, Paschen W (1998)
Die Bedeutung von Stickstoffmonoxid für den neuronalen Zelltod des Feten im Sauerstoffmangel
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 10, 16-19

51.Berger R, Jensen A, Hossmann KA, Paschen W (1998)
Effect of mild hypothermia during and after transient in vitro ischemia on metabolic disturbances in hippocampal slices at different stages of development
Brain Research - Developmental Brain Research 105, 67-77

50.Berger R, Jensen A, Paschen W (1998)
Metabolic disturbances in hippocampal slices of fetal guinea pigs during and after oxygen-glucose deprivation: is nitric oxide involved?
Neuroscience Letters 245, 163-166

49.Berger R, Lehmann T, Karcher J, Garnier Y, Jensen A (1998)
Low dose flunarizine protects the fetal brain from ischemic injury in sheep
Pediatric Research 44, 277-282

48.Garnier Y, Berger R, Pfeiffer D, Jensen A (1998)
Low-dose flunarizine does not affect short-term fetal circulatory responses to acute asphyxia in sheep near term
Reproduction Fertility and Development 10, 405-411

47.Pfeiffer D, Kimmig R, Herrmann J, Ruge M, Fisseler-Eckhoff A, Scheidel P, Jensen A, Pfeiffer A (1998)
Epidermal-growth-factor receptor correlates negatively with cell density in cervical squamous epithelium and is down-regulated in cancers of the human uterus
International Journal of Cancer 79, 49-55

46.Axt R, Berger R, Jensen A (1997)
Das intrapartuale CTG
Der Gynäkologe 30, 577-580

45.Berger R, Bender S, Sefkow S, Klingmüller V, Künzel W, Jensen A (1997)
Peri/intraventricular haemorrhage: a cranial ultrasound study on 5286 neonates
European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 75, 191-203

44.Berger R, Gjedde A, Hargarter L, Hargarter S, Krieglstein J, Jensen A (1997)
Regional cerebral glucose utilization in immature fetal guinea pigs during maternal isocapnic hypoxemia
Pediatric Research 42, 311-316

43.Berger R, Jensen A, Hossmann KA, Paschen W (1997)
No effect of glutamate on metabolic disturbances in hippocampal slices of mature fetal guinea pigs after transient in vitro ischemia
Brain Research - Developmental Brain Research 101, 49-56

42.Pfeiffer D, Spranger J, Al-Deiri M, Kimming R, Fisseler-Eckhoff A, Scheidel P, Jensen A, Pfeiffer A (1997)
mRNA expression of ligands of the epidermal-growth-factor-receptor in the uterus
International Journal of Cancer 72, 581-586

41.Berger R, Djuricic B, Jensen A, Hossmann KA, Paschen W (1996)
Ontogenetic differences in energy metabolism and inhibition of protein synthesis in hippocampal slices during in vitro ischemia and 24 h of recovery
Brain Research - Developmental Brain Research 91, 281-291

40.Berger R, Gjedde A, Rischke R, Müller E, Heck J, Krieglstein J, Jensen A (1996)
Local cerebral glucose utilization in fetal guinea pigs at 0.75 gestation
European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 66, 175-178

39.Berger R, Lehmann T, Karcher J, Schachenmayr W, Jensen A (1996)
Relation between cerebral oxygen delivery and neuronal cell damage in fetal sheep near term
Reproduction Fertility and Development 8, 317-321

38.Jensen A, Klönne HJ, Detmer A, Carter AM (1996)
Catecholamine and serotonin concentrations in fetal guinea-pig brain: relation to regional cerebral blood flow and oxygen delivery in the growth-restricted fetus
Reproduction Fertility and Development 8, 355-364

37.Berger R, Djuricic B, Jensen A, Paschen W (1995)
[Cerebral ischemia: ontogenetic differences in energy metabolism and protein biosynthesis]
Gynäkologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau 35 (Suppl 1), 19-24

36.Jensen A, Hanson MA (1995)
Circulatory responses to acute asphyxia in intact and chemodenervated fetal sheep near term
Reproduction Fertility and Development 7, 1351-1359

35.Schmolling J, Jensen A (1995)
[Pulmonary adaptation of the newborn infant: in relation to respiratory distress syndrome]
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 55, 331-338

34.Schmolling J, Seeger W, Jensen A (1995)
Liquid movements in ventilated and perfused isolated lungs of fetal sheep at 0.87, 0.90, and 0.95 of term
Reproduction Fertility and Development 7, 1345-1350

33.Zygmunt M, Schuster C, Jensen A (1995)
[Cranial sinus thrombosis in puerperium]
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 55, 477-479

32.Berger R, Gjedde A, Heck J, Müller E, Krieglstein J, Jensen A (1994)
Extension of the 2-deoxyglucose method to the fetus in utero: theory and normal values for the cerebral glucose consumption in fetal guinea pigs
Journal of Neurochemistry 63, 271-279

31.Berger R, Gjedde A, Hargarter L, Hargarter S, Krieglstein J, Jensen A (1993)
Fetal cerebral glucose consumption during maternal hypoxaemia
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 13, S415 (Peer-review short communication)

30.Berger R, Jensen A, Krieglstein J, Steigelmann JP (1993)
Cerebral energy metabolism in fetal guinea pigs during moderate maternal hypoxemia at 0.75 of gestation
Journal of Developmental Physiology 19, 193-196

29.Carter AM, Klönne HJ, Detmer A, Jensen A (1993)
Brain serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) concentrations in normal and growth retarded guinea-pig fetuses
Journal of Physiology (London) 459, 324P (Peer-review short communication)

28.Lang U, Jensen A, Künzel W (1993)
Autonomic modulation of insulin levels in foetal sheep
Clinical Autonomic Research 3, 331-338

27.Berger R, Jensen A, Krieglstein J, Steigelmann JP (1992)
Cerebral energy metabolism in immature and mature guinea pig fetuses during acute asphyxia
Journal of Developmental Physiology 18, 125-128

26.Jensen A, Klingmüller V, Künzel W, Sefkow S (1992)
Das Hirnblutungsrisiko bei Früh- und Reifgeborenen [Risk of cerebral hemorrhage in premature and mature newborn infants]
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 52, 6-20

25.Jensen A, Lang U (1992)
Foetal circulatory responses to arrest of uterine blood flow in sheep: effects of chemical sympathectomy
Journal of Developmental Physiology 17, 75-86

24.Jensen A, Hanson MA (1992)
Effects of carotid denervation on regional and organ blood flows during acute asphyxia in term fetal sheep
Journal of Physiology (London) 456, 318P (Peer-review short communication)

23.Berger R, Gjedde A, Heck J, Krieglstein J, Jensen A (1991)
Application of the Sokoloff method to calculate cerebral glucose consumption in fetal guinea pigs
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 11, S869 (Peer-review short communication)

22.Berger R, Jensen A, Krieglstein J, Steigelmann JP (1991)
Cerebral energy metabolism in guinea pig fetuses during development
Journal of Developmental Physiology 16, 317-319

21.Berger R, Jensen A, Krieglstein J, Steigelmann JP (1991)
Effects of acute asphyxia on brain energy metabolism in fetal guinea pigs near term
Journal of Developmental Physiology 16, 9-11

20.Braems G, Jensen A (1991)
Hypoxia reduces oxygen consumption of fetal skeletal muscle cells in monolayer culture
Journal of Developmental Physiology 16, 209-215

19.Braems G, Jensen A (1991)
Oxygen availability determines oxygen consumption of fetal skeletal muscle cells in monolayer culture preliminary report
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 19 (Suppl 1), 358-363

18.Jelinek J, Carter AM, Jensen A (1991)
Regional brain blood flow and oxygen supply in guinea pig fetuses near term
European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 42, 71-76

17.Jelinek J, Jensen A (1991)
Catecholamine concentrations in plasma and organs of the fetal guinea pig during normoxemia, hypoxemia, and asphyxia
Journal of Developmental Physiology 15, 145-152

16.Jensen A, Roman C, Rudolph AM (1991)
Effects of reducing uterine blood flow on fetal blood flow distribution and oxygen delivery
Journal of Developmental Physiology 15, 309-323

15.Jensen A (1990)
Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel (1862-1909) Zum 80. Todestag. Biographie eines großen deutschen Gynäkologen [On the 80th anniversary of his death. A biography of a famous German gynecologist]
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 50, 326-334

14.Reid DL, Jensen A, Phernetton TM, Rankin JH (1990)
Relationship between plasma catecholamine levels and electrocortical state in the mature fetal lamb
Journal of Developmental Physiology 13, 75-79

13.Jensen A (1989)
Meßwertaufnehmer zur gleichzeitigen Messung verschiedener physiologischer Größen
Europäisches Patentblatt 89/33 Patent Nummer 0077054

12.Jensen A (1989)
Die Dynamik des Kreislaufschocks bei reifen und unreifen Feten
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 49, 511-512 (Erstpublikation als Tagungsbericht)

11.Hanson MA, Jensen A (1989)
Cardiovascular responses to acute asphyxia in carotid sinus denervated and intact fetal sheep near term
Journal of Physiology 417, 19P (Peer-review short communication)

10.Jensen A, Hohmann M, Künzel W (1987)
Dynamic changes in organ blood flow and oxygen consumption during acute asphyxia in fetal sheep
Journal of Developmental Physiology 9, 543-559

09.Jensen A, Hohmann M, Künzel W (1987)
Redistribution of fetal circulation during repeated asphyxia in sheep: effects on skin blood flow, transcutaneous PO2, and plasma catecholamines
Journal of Developmental Physiology 9, 41-55

08.Jensen A, Künzel W, Kastendieck E (1987)
Fetal sympathetic activity, transcutaneous PO2, and skin blood flow during repeated asphyxia in sheep
Journal of Developmental Physiology 9, 337-346

07.Jensen A, Lang U, Künzel W (1987)
Microvascular dynamics during acute asphyxia in chronically prepared fetal sheep near term
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 220, 127-131

06.Jensen A, Bamford OS, Dawes GS, Hofmeyr G, Parkes MJ (1986)
Changes in organ blood flow between high and low voltage electrocortical activity in fetal sheep
Journal of Developmental Physiology 8, 187-194

05.Kastendieck E, Yilmar G, Jensen A, Horner G (1986)
Die fetomaternale Blutanalyse (FMBA) zur Diagnostik der Hypoxie des Feten sub partu [Fetomaternal blood analysis in the diagnosis of subpartal hypoxia of the fetus]
Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Perinatololgie 190, 14-23

04.Jensen A, Künzel W, Kastendieck E (1985)
Repetitive reduction of uterine blood flow and its influence on fetal transcutaneous PO2 and cardiovascular variables
Journal of Developmental Physiology 7, 75-87

03.Jensen A (1985)
Transducer for the simultaneous measurement of different physiological quantities
United States Patent Bulletin Patent Number 4, 538, 617, pp. 1-7

02.Künzel W, Jensen A, Hohmann M (1984)
[Disorders of the fetal oxygen supply during labor-retrospect and prospect of diagnostic possibilities]
Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Perinatologie 188, 153-160

01.Jensen A, Künzel W (1980)
The difference between fetal transcutaneous pO2 and arterial pO2 during labour
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 11, 249-264

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